So after a whole lot of procrastination, I've finally put a web site together for the work I've been doing. This will mostly be for the TI code, but I'll post other stuff I'm working on from time to time.
Since older posts were written well before this blog was built, and written mostly for my own use, some explanation is called for.
For years, I've tried to come up with an interesting way to use my old TI99/4A, and eventually came up with the idea of rewriting the firmware to give more capabilities to the old hardware. I thought using some Unix-like concepts would be an interesting challenge. Things like multi-user or multi-tasking support are strangely lacking in a home computer from the early eighties.
The idea is to eventually rewrite everything: firmware, disk formats, executable formats, the works. This will probably be a very long process, and will eliminate compatibility with authentic TI software, but it should be a lot of fun.
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